Thursday, March 17, 2011

Life is "Unknowable;" So Then What about Feeling...

It is the illusion of duality that has enabled the human being to perceive what he or she is. It is the duality which has enabled the human being to experience what it is to experience the other. So through this bless the duality. But it is the mind which has attributed ironclad names, symbols, and categories to the differentiation we perceive within the realm of the duality. And in this mind, because we have an incessant need to categorize, our identification schemes divide us from each other. I mean there could be "categorization" without division, but it is because we identify with these "intellectual" categorizations (I am white, this person is black, that is a tree, that is an ocean etc) that we get lost in our identifications. Our identifications, which build up our egos, are the mental "things" that becomes our illusion. Yet although duality was created so that we could experience another, we have lost our focus because we live strictly through the mind. And now the "illusion" is lost for we become tied to our thoughts about things. The "illusion" of duality than becomes "real.". No longer is life the majestic illusion, no longer is it a wonder. Now life has become "real," it is mundane, it is understandable through word...But is it really? Can we totally understand it through word, through idea, through mind? It cannot. For feeling escapes the grasp of word. It drives us, and makes complete "sense." That is because we feel it, not think it.>! Yet, mind controls the ebb and flow. It devises the rules and the way we live...

This goes hand in hand with the patriarchal society that has developed. For the "logical" and "rational" way of perceiving and being has influenced the current social developments, both social and technological. We employ logic and its cunning wonder, but we have forgotten the feminine aspects of being, the sensing, the intuition, and the like and in this we have forgotten that the duality is an illusion (and really that we are one - because we all sense, we all feel, and we are connected through this...We all sense and feel the same thing, but we certainly do not "think" we are the same thing...think about that...(think to understand that thinking leads to division)...As it stands now, everything is "real," everything is "understandable" through word and logic. But of course it is not...There is a wonder, an excitement, of which is indescribable, of which it is too live, to sense,to feel, and we certainly cannot understand the entirety of feeling...for feeling is the is what pushes us to walk a certain path...and we don't always know why...for we shouldn't...but we obsess to know...for we are "trained" to only live through the the mind...and through this process we have forgot that not everything is knowable, not all is "real" in the sense that we know it...

What do I necessarily mean that the duality is an illusion, or that we can see it or not see it as an illusion (going back to paragraph number one)? Well for one, because we do not see the illusion, because we believe that the mind has "proven" that all is random, that all is physical, and that feelings are nothing but creations of the physical mind and the neurotransmitters that communicate with nerve endings in the mind, we forget to realize that life is essentially "unknowable" - in terms of feeling and sensing...For we are to sense feelings, not think our feelings. Did we forget to realize that the emotional aspects of life, their origins, their functions, and role within our lives were beyond the grasp of thought (in its entirety at least)?

Have we not de-empathized the feeling aspect of our lives? It is rationality that tells us psychic-ness is not real (or maybe religion does that; because religion in the dogmatic sense is another thought paradigm), it is rationality and logic that tells us that 1 + 1 = 2, but what about the fact that 2 is 1 and that 1 is 2...because the "all" is inherently connected. One can only understand One because of the other (making the 2)...and two, when merged into wholeness becomes one (the 1)...But this is feeling...this is beyond logic and "makes no sense." The math doesn't "work" here, but does it have too? And back to what I was saying before...does the illusion need to make "logical" sense... can we not just sense it?! and not Logic "IT."

Essentially, the more we realize that feelings are not to be completely known in the mind, do we allow them to walk us into the moment of NOW. We then allow them to take us into the journey of our lives and enjoy each moment as it unfolds. Yes, there are things that are not "perfect" in your life right now...But is it really "not perfect." Or are we just thinking that...hmmm, Have I lost myself here...or does this just make a lot of damn sense.... remember I am talking about "sense" now, not being "logically sound."

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